IT Solutions B.V.

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With the time sheet registration module each employee is able to submit his working hours, time off and sick leave to the administration digitally. How does the time sheet registration module work? Employees can submit their working hours and travel time from each type of mobile device as well as their work environment by using their own online portal.

As soon as the hours are submitted, their manager receives a notification e-mail. The manager can check the submitted hours simply by opening the mail and either approve or correct the hours. When approved, the employee will receive an e-mail with the final hours. The hours will be coded based on your company and Collective Labour Agreement. Employees can also submit their leave requests on the time sheet registration module.

Who can use the time sheet registration module?

Every organization. The time sheet registration module is especially cost reductive when your company is passing on the working hours costs. Project numbers can be added to this module. All worked hours are automatically added to project administration / billing.


  • Web based (Works on all devices)
  • Automatic coding of hours (Company and Collective Labour Agreement requirements)
  • Hour entry and requesting time off through smart phone, tablet, laptop or computer
  • Connectable with accounting software and project administration
  • Connectable with your payroll through hour codes
  • Control over TvT per employee
  • CSV export / Excel download
  • Analyze on project-, employee and status level
  • Saves FTE's
  • History of worked hours
  • Less errors
  • Flexible system, can be adapted to your preferences (rights and roles)

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