IT Solutions B.V.

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Time sheet registration

With the time sheet registration module each employee is able to submit his working hours, time off and sick leave to the administration digitally. How does the time sheet registration module work? Read more...


Work permit system

Safety has one the highest priorities in nearly every organization.
Many organizations therefore use a work permit system. JPB IT Solutions’ work permit module ensures that the work permit process is digitized, structured and more efficient. Read more...


Internal communication is important for each company. Whether you want to announce large new orders, introduce a new employee or share any other recent development, each company wants to inform it’s employees about recent developments. Read more...


Access control

It is important to keep track of who enters your site or building.
Controlling and monitoring nowadays works with keys, badges or a doorkeeper. JPB IT Solutions adds another method to this list:
the smartphone.

Document Management Systeem (DMS)

A Document Management System helps to prevent the bulk in the use of various (online) storage possibilities and ensures that all documents are always accessible on a manageable, centralized location.



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