Industrial Services B.V.

Calamiteitenservice: +31(0)599-648320

In the course of years ventilation systems can become seriously polluted. Dust, bacteria, grease marks and mites will settle in the system. Due to this, the displacement capacity of the system will reduce. These contaminants can also disturb the quality of the climate. This is why ventilation systems need to be cleaned timely and periodically.

This applies to closed systems in office buildings, nursing homes, hotels and industry and also for open systems used for example in housing.


Measuring the amount of micro-organisms per m³ gives us a reliable indication of the severity of the pollution and the quality of the air. By making use of an endoscope JPB can perform visual inspections. This helps to determine on which places the system are contaminated and how seriously this contamination is.

Based on the amount and the location of the contamination, JPB will determine the most optimal cleaning method. By using various cleaning techniques JPB will remove amongst others dust or grease. In order to further smoothen the surface and also in order to prevent corrosion in the air vents, we can apply a coating for you. If required we can also do an after-treatment with a disinfectant, in order to prevent bacteria and parasites to come back.


Get in touch with Patrick


Patrick Trakzel
+31(0)599 – 648 320
+31(0)6 – 1457 6541